Monday, January 26, 2009

Chinese New Year 2009!

Well yeah we were suppose to meet up at 7:30 but yeah I woke up at 6:00am but I thought it was too early so I still slept. Anyways I woke up again and I found a text in my cellphone and it was from Sarah asking me if I was going or not so yeah I looked at the time and it was 9:00am. So I called sarah asking where they are so she said that they were still in the parish hall. So yeah I had to go and catch up with everyone. When I got there though, I was the only one wearing a dimsum. Good thing I bought spare clothes. And this alester was such a KJ. I was gonna go with aubrey so he decided to go with aubrey. WTH?
Anyways the people who were riding with aubrey was me, jhannah and reychelle. We took alot of pictures and we kept on changing the music with Aubreys ipod. We sang to Thousand Miles and made a music video. So I was very lucky to have ridden with Aubrey because his car was the only car that had aircon haha.
After that yeah we went around to go Chines New Year haha. When we go around, whenever we go inside a house. There was no more space for other people to sit. I was really full because wherever we went, we had to eat. Anyways gtg
Ill update you later!

Happy Birthday Mummy Sarah

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
Happy Bithday Mummy Sarah! I Love You !
Mummy Sarah - If it was'nt for my mummy sarah, I would'nt be alive because of course she's my mum. Anyways my mum has been with me through my rough and happy times. She is always the party girl. She can dance ... Thats where I got my dancing genes from. She is also good at singing. Thats also where I got my singing skills from. Anyways if you know my mum, you are so blessed and very lucky because she is a very rare friend or mum to have. Anyways this is it for now. Happy birthday again!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Meaning of your colour and birthday !

Don 't cheat,If you are honest, this tells the truth. It's pretty good.
Write your answers on a piece of paper, and NO cheating!, The answers are at the bottom.
1. Which is your favorite color out of: red , black , blue , green , or yellow?
2. Your first initial?
3. Your month of birth?
4. Which color do you like more, black or white?
5. Name of a person of the same sex as yours.
6. Your favorite number?
7. Do you like Flying or Driving more?
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?
9. Write down a wish (a realistic one).
When you're done, scroll down. (Don't cheat!)
1. If you choose:
Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
Blue- You are spontaneous and love, kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.
2. If your initial is:
A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
July-Sep: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be great, but eventually you will find your soul mate.
4. If you chose:
Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
5. This person is your best friend.
6. This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.
7. If you chose:
Flying: You like adventure.
Driving: You are a laid back person.
8. If you chose:
Lake: You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
9. This wish will come true only if you re-post this in one hour as "Meaning of color and your birthday!" and it will come true before your next birthday
back. c",)


you will get kissed by the love of your life on a Saturday, tomorrow will be the best day of your life but you have to repost this, if you repost this in 2 songs you will die in two hours, but if you repost this to 5 songs it will truly be the best day of your life, when you're done, push f6 on your keyboard and the love of your life will appear in big letters...its scary but it works♥ CRUSHTEST♥
**************PAPERAND A
PE NCIL* ***********
*********************AND******* ** ******
**************NUMBER IT: 1-
ANSWERS**** *******
LETT ER* **********
CHEATIN G*** **************
**************HERE'S THE TEST.!
1. Pick your favorite color out of the
A. Red
B. Pink
C. Yellow
D. Green
E. Blue
F. Purple
2. Pick your favorite animal out of
the following:
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Fish
D. Snake
E. Parrot
F. Mouse
3. Pick your desired honeymoon spot:
A. Hawaii
B. New York
C. East Africa
D. Spain
E. Montana
4. Pick your favorite instrument:
A. Violin
B. Piano
C. Electric Guitar
D. Drums
5. Pick your favorite soft drink:
A. Dr. Pepper
B. Sprite
C. Coca Cola
D. Pepsi
E. Mountain Dew
6. Name A Person Of The Opposite Sex...
7. Name A Person Of The Same Sex...
8. The Time Now...
9. Your Age
10. You don't have to write it down,
but make a WISH make sure its what you
really want.
...and then scroll down! (now go down,
and you will see theanswers!!!)
************ ******
********************* *****
***************** *************
********* *******************
***** ********************
******* **************
**** *******
***************** *********
******* *********************
*** **********************
***** ****************
* **********
Question number ONE:
A. Red - Adventerous
B.. Pink - Fun
C. Yellow - Sweet
D. Green - Wacky
E. Blue - Romantic
F. Purple - Mysterious
Question number TWO:
A. Cat - Feminine
B. Dog - Loving
C. Fish - Boring
D. Snake - Boyish
E. Parrot - Annoying
F. Mouse - Brainy
Question number THREE:
A. Hawaii - Romantic
B. New York - Busy
C. East Africa - Curious
D. Spain - Mysterious
E. Montana - Country Girl/Boy
Question number FOUR:
A. Violin - Intellectual
B. Piano - Popular
C. Electric Guitar - Wacky
D. Drums - Wild
Question number FIVE:
A. Dr. Pepper - Popular
B. Sprite - Wacky
C. Coca Cola - Wild
D. Pepsi - Fun
E. Mountain Dew - Athletic
Question number SIX:
That person will have a crush on you
after you
repost this!
Question number SEVEN:
That person will become your enemy if
you don't
repost this!
Question number EIGHT:
How many hours long you have to repost
Question number NINE:
How many months that you and the
person in number 6 will go out! if you
repost this..or longer
Question number TEN:
That will come true if you repost this
in the amount
of time (question) number 8 says!

Illegal swimming!

Well today I woke up at about 1pm because yesterday I slept at 3am playing cards with my sister. Yeah when I woke up, we decided to go to Empire to go swiming but we had to go to the shop first to pick up my mums car so we can use it to go to Empire. When we got to the Empire we had alot of stuff with us like chips and ice and drinks. We went to the main swimming pool using a buggy eventhough we didnt check in. But yeah it was too hot so we didnt swim so we decided to go to the lagoon because there was shade there and only little people swimming in it. I left my orange folder there so I went back to get it. When we go thtere, we were taking pictures then suddenly the camera broke haha. But then we still had fun with me doing backflips and stuff. We then went to the kiddie pool but my sister and my older sister werent allowed to get thier hair wet cause they just got it straightened...
We then played in the kidde pool with our slippers so then we got in trouble ahha. but then yeah we stole towels in the Empire because no one was guarding it. We then played extreme badminton in the waters haha. But yeah the racket broke so yeah stoped playing it. We then had to go out and way cause later at 7pm, we had to go to a party. Anyways this is it for now. Miss you guys. Cya and take care !

Sorri for the long update !

Well yeah sorri for the long update because I was having exams. Well anyways yeah I just came back from Phils on the 2nd and when i got to the airport. My brother in law got there earlier than me so yeah. When I get there, he was there waiting for me. When I got back, the next day I went to church straight away and the welcoming crew was there haha. Yeah there was mel, kath and JM haha. But yeah the next day I went out with my brother in law but at the same time I had to study for my exams. Hopefully I pass all of them. Anyways yeah whoever reads this, please pray for me. Anyways yeah I sleep at 3 just to revise for this stupid exams. The good thing is that I get study leave for my exams and can leave straight away to home when I finish my exams.
Anyways in my DT exam. I did the wrong question but hopefully it still counts because alot of people in my DT class did the same thing. I know Im gonna fail my A maths and Malay. Sure I know that Im failing thoose subjects. Anyways Ill update again soon yeah. I miss you guys !

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Just Another Survey !

1. What was the highl​ight of your week?​
- prepare for new year and christmas xD and go shopping for my friends in brunei.
2. Whose​ car were you in last?​
- my cousins car cause Im in phils xD
3. what are you doing​ now?
- isnt it obvious im doing this?
4. What color​ shirt​ are you weari​ng?​-
- pink
5. How long is your hair?​
- you see for yourself. or I think you guys know right?
6. Are you good looking?​
- HOT. Sedap dan Pedas ahaha. joking.
7. Last movie​ you watched?​
- Pinoy Fear Factor
8. Who were you with?​
- Cousins
9. Last thing​ you ate?
- Chicken and Lumpia and Rice
10. Last thing​ you drank​?​
- Pop Cola
11. When was the last time you had your heart​ broke​n?​
- Today
12. Who came over last?​
- huh?
13. Are you happy​ right​ now?
- Yeayy.(; Thanks to Mel
14. What did you say last?​
- why am I emo?
15. Where​ is your phone​?​
- In Brunei with my bestfriend
16. What color​ are your eyes?​
- Brown.
17. Are you left-​hande​d?​
- Naww. Im a right handed person
18. Whats​ your full name?​
- Manuel Francis Xavier Talabis Victoria Jr.
19. Do you have any pets?​
- Yes ... alot
20. Favorite Vacation?​
- Philippines.
21. What do you dislike currently?​
- Somoenes atitude xD
22. What are you liste​ning to?
- I'll never go
23. If you could​ have one thing​ right​ now what would​ it be?
- To be in brunei with all my close friends
24. What is your favorite scent​?​
- Adidas
25. Who makes​ you happiest?​
- bestfrends... and my family
26. What were you doing​ at midni​ght last night​?​
- sleeping.
27. When is your birth​day?​
- 4th of December
28. Who has the same phone​ as you?
- My cousins...
29. Last time you went swimm​ing in a pool?​
- Was last month
30. Do you read your horoscope?​
- no!
31. Where​ was the last place​ you bought somet​hing?​
- HongKong
32. How do you feel about​ your hair right​ now?
- NICE! :D its okay xD
33. whats​ your favourite colour?​
- Pink
34. Do you have any expen​sive jewel​ery?​
- Yeah I think so...?
35. Favourite designing label​?​
- hah? Uhhm BILLABONG
Myspace or facebook?​
- Facebook
37. How fast have you drive​in a car?
- I don't drive
38. Have you ever smoked?​
- Just finished smoking. xD
39. What was or is your favor​ite subject in schoo​l?

HongKong here I come !

Well we left philippines on the 24th haha. We were all in the same rows. All 12 of us.
Well yeah when we got to the airport, I could already notice that the Hong Kong people are rude. No offense to anyone. Then yeah when we got out of the airport, the first person that I saw was my lovely sister haha with her boyfriend. Well yeah we were in the airport and my dad told me to buy water, as if there is no water outside the airport.
Well yeah HongKong wasnt that cold at first because my mum at first was exageratting that it was really cold but yeah, Im used to it so I didnt need to wear jacket. We had to rent 2 vans because we were so much. Yeah and damn all the buildings in HongKong were reallly tall. We arriced in HongKong at about 4pm. And when we saw the sign Disneyland HongKong, we were all so excited. Then yeah we stayed in HongKong Disneyland Hollywood. We had 2 days and 2 nights to go to disneyland so as soon as we arrived, we went straight to the rides and all. at first when we go there, the place loook so deserted so we were all laughing saying this is it but when we got in the Disneyland. There was SO MANY people haha !. But yeah we managed to ride 4 rides. The first one was this 3D ride that I loved so much because it looked like Simba was just in front of me. Then we went to Tarzans crib after we got out of the 3D show haha. Tarzans house is pretty big. I mean DAMN BIG !
Well then yeah we had to go back to the hotel for Noche Buena. I got a CAMERA for christmas from my sister and 200 HongKong dollars. haha. Yeah well then long story lah. Update again when I feel like it.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Surveys ! xD

Do you wish the person you love would tell you they feel the same way?
Yeah who wouldnt. If that person I love would tell me they feel the same way, I would be so happy and would love the person the same.

Are you in love with the last person you texted?
Uhmm yeah I love her as a friend. The last person I texted is Ria here in philippines. haha yeah I love her as a friend.

Was your toilet door opened, the last time you used it?
yeah it was xD

Have you ever seen people die infront of you?
No I would not want to see people die infront of me. That would be really scary eventhough if I don't know them. I would freak out xD

What song lyrics are you most familiar with?
I don't want to miss a thing bu aerosmith because I sang it ina singing competition and in order to sing it. I had to memorise it. =)

Who are you in love with?
My special somoene xD

Do you think being loved by your best friend is creepy?
uhmmm.nope because I love my bestfriends to the maximum haha. I love them with all my heart.

If you were blind, who do you think will still love you?
I think a person who will still love me is somoene who really doesnt care of whats outside a person but on the inside of a person.

How old do you think you'll die?
At this moment, I'm not ready to die. I still want to do alot of stuff. To love my special somoene xD

What have you always wanted in your life?
Happiness and no more war and somoene to love me.

Ever had your wish come true?
Some yes but material stuff.

Do you love The Simpsons, or Spongebob Squarepants?
I love both of them. They are things I watch to past time. To make me laugh when I'm sad.

Are you trying hard to let go of someone?

Do you enjoy playing hard to get?
Well if I know the person. I mean if I know the person really well, then I enjoy playing hard to get. !

Do you have narcissist moments?
Nope don't think so xD


I tag:
1. Joven
2. Ryan
3. JM
4. Chris
5. Brandon
6. Bianca
7. Sarah
8. Clarissa
9. Brendan

How you know 1?- Bestfriend!:D He is like my big brother who takes care of me. He is also my bandmate in church

What would you do if you never met 2?- I would never have a church dad. He is my church dad. And last time when I was sad, he cheered me up. So if I never met him, I would be so unhappy

What would you do if 3&4 dated you?- First of all if 3 and 4 dated me. I would tell their girlfriends so they won’t get mad?? And I don’t think they would date me? So yeah….But if I did.I would bring JM to band practice and Chris to a basketball court?

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple?-I dont think soo..:D. My sister already has her special someone and yeah Brandon is too young for my sister. That would be like child abuse. I don’t want Brandon to suffer.

Do you think 7 is attractive?- Yeap she is..:) She is my mum so she has to be pretty cause I’m handsome

Do you know anything about 8’s family?- not that much.:) But I know she lives here in Brunei while her parents are in Indonesia and that she lives with her aunt. She has 4 dogs. 2 outside her house and 2 inside.

Tell me something about 9.- He is my koko in school. He is in the same form room with me. He is really fast at running and very sporty.

What language does 2 speaks?- English & Tagalog and sometimes Spanish

Who is 3 going out with?- I have no idea.hahah *wink* *wink* I think its my bestfriend,

How old is 4?- 18?.

5?- uhmmm 12 I think. Im not really sure :D

Who is 6 favourite singer?- Jed Madela!

7 ?- I dont know eh. hehe cause shes more of an overall lover of music. She loves all kinds of music.

Is 8 single?- yeap she is..i think?not forever la.hahah

What is 9 last name?- Wong Chong Ming haha what a long name

Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?- He is my big brother and he is a boy?

Which school does 2 go to?- Not going at school right now. I mean he cant decide which college to go to.

What do you like about 3?- he's a nice person, he always make me laugh when Im sad and never fails to make me laugh. Very patient person as well.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Im in phils

Well yeah I got here in phils but when I was on my way. When I was in the airport in Brunei, alot of people were on the same flight with me. First my chemistry and ex form tutor were there and even teacher faith the kids choir teacher, the priest was also there. Well yeah nothing changed here in phils, The Zagu near our house was gone, so yeah I was sad. At the night time, when I was gonna brush my teeth, I saw a cockroach and I started screaming and I think my mum got angry at me. Well yeah the next day we went SHOPPING in SM. I got my hair done. I got a hair spa in going straight saloon. I then went to Gonuts Donuts and ate 3 donuts... yummy, I then went to chowking to eat more food. I then went to the Cinema to watch TWILIGHT !!!! and I loved it... haha I love the baseball part. Anywasy Ill update it soon gtg

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cons Leave Away Party !

Well yeah I was suppose to be dancing for Brother Arins Ordiantion... my bad Father Arin... haha. I was suppose to dance reciece the power. Well yeah I had a party to attend too and I barely go to partys and this was Con and Con was leaving to Australia for good haha. anways yeah well it started off as Claryn picking me up from my house and then we went to Brendans house haha to pick him up. As for ISB readers. Claryn and my koko Bren are not going out. Anyways yeah when we arrived the party, everyone was looking at us. Anyways yeah the house was big and this Claryn said that she didnt want to get wet in the bouncer but when she saw everyone was having fun, she had to rethink. Well yeah I pushed sheane to the bouncer eventhopugh she wasnt allowed. I fell down in the trampoline when I was trying to do stunts and they had an arcade in thier house and a Disco bouncer that we called a naughty bouncer haha. Thier house was so nice that even in the toilet me and my friends were taking pictures haha. Thier parents didnt even care if we got drunk. Anyways to rap this up I got drunk in the end and started doing scandals. Only a few people know ;)

Seria Confirmation

Well I woke up at 5:30 to recieve a call from Ate Jen saying that they will come to my house so I better prepare so eayh I prepared. I only had 2 hours of sleep so yeah when the van arrives. The first thing I did was try to sleep because I was really tired. I told Mel to sit infront. Well yeah we got there and all the Seria confirmandis were all prepared to get confirmed. Then they had thier mass. I was sitting next to Mel and infront of us were Alwyn and Albert... the retards haha joke joke. yeah they said me and mel were noisy. We then had lunch after? Auntie Margarie knew what my favourite food was... Shia shopao haha lol Love that food. anyways yeah we then had to go home. i wanted to follow Alwyns car because I knew something bad was gonna happen and something did. Our van broke down and we were stuck in Tutong for 3 hours or more. Then Aubrey got there to pick us up and we all went inside his car chilling. I requested a song in the radio. Our confirmation theme song. Well anyways we got back and me, kathleen and melissa were dropped off in the bus station in Yayasan.
Me. mel and kathleen missed the first bus so we had to wait for another 30 minutes. in that time we went around yayasan first. We then got tempted to buy in Ayamku. we then got on the bus and it was full. I mean I was barely sitting on my seat. We then got to Pasko nang Pinoy..l. thank god. Yeah when we got there, we got there in time to watch Chiaw Yuen and all dance haha. So lucky I know. Anyways yeah we went to Pasko nang Pinoy and had alot of fun.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Yeah it was my birthday celebration last saturday. Yeah I woke up at about 12:30 and I saw a text from my Mummy Sarah that she was on her way. So yeah I woke up straight away and prepared and took a shower and everything. Well then Sarah went in my room about 1 o'clock which Im proud to say was clean haha. I then went downstairs and April, Swee Mei and Angela was there waiting for me too. I was shocked haha. Yeah and we went to the VIEW because Mel, kathleen and reychelle came haha while swee mei and april stayed in the house. When we got back, JB and Jackie were there and the Catering and the bouncer was set up but too bad, it was the wrong bouncer, the bouncer was too small. So the bouncer people came to replace it. So then we sang karaoke first while waiting for the other bouncer. Then yeah my party had a bouncer. Some people were abit late like my lil bro brandon becaus ehe went to Jungle Gym... haha. Yeah but I had fun in my party. I mean alot of fun. Thanks to everyone who came. I then only had two hours of sleep because I was going to Seria for thier confirmation. Anyways update later im sleepy. Seriously

Last day of school.

Well last day of school, last friday uhmm... We went to form class and Mr Flanagan was not there anymore. He is going back to Canada because of a sad reason. Yeah we had a class picture though and we sang Christmas Carols with Mrs Hollis. We then went to Malay because we had Malay first thing and knowing Cikgu Ayu, she will give us work again to do. It was one period fun and one period boring haha. She made me stay at break time. Typical Cikge Ayu. We then had DT next and we just had fun making our shop models and took another class picture for Con.

The best class was English though, everyone just went around, each classes and just chilled everywhere. We took alot of pictures as well and we had fun. We then had Assembly and it was funny. There was a pantomine with teachers but yeah at the end of Assembly, everyone started to cry haha. Anyways this is it for now =)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My awesome birthday !

Well today I woke up at about 12:30am today to see if I had any messages in my phone and I found out I had alot of messages and thanks you guys whoever texted me. You guys know who you are hehe. Well yeah I went to school as usual. When I got into school, my friend was the first Alex one to shout HAPPY BIRTHDAY across the field. I was so embarassed and yeah. People started saying happy birthday to me hehe. Wow you guys thanks so much. Then my form class sang Happy Birthday to me again. How sweet you guys. Thanks so much to HAN.. hehe.
Yeah then we had our last maths lesson with Ms Deen and Im gonna miss her once she goes to Singapore. Yeah Han sang again in Maths and got everyone to sing again. We had fun in the second period of Maths.We just chilled and took a class picture with Ms Deen.
We then had Business with Mr Harris and once again the famous TOH LIU HAN started to sing happy birthday and got everyone to sing. We watched movies from youtube. While the others while watching, me and chin chi were playing with the Computer Tic Tac Toe haha. Chin chi bought chips so that everyon could eat.
We then had English next with Mr Klein and the infamous Han goes again singing. haha. We had boring orals haha. Nah it was okay but the best was lunch time because my Jie Jie Claryn suprised me in the PTA along with everyone else. Yeah I was really happy. I was very happy. You guys dont know how happy you made me. I was worried though about bren because Han said he wanted to talk to me but yeah they suprised me thanks. And thanks to Shorty for giving me such a great present.
We then had Science and yes again HAN strikes again but yeah I had fun because every lesson they sang for me.
Anyways update later yeah =)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Day Of Trouble

Well today yeah I woke up. I was suppose to follow my cousin to my mums shop early in the morning so that I can go to the mall by 12:30 but no my mum said that she would just send me but my mum said that she would send me later so I decided to stay at home. She did send me to the mall but 1 hour late. Im sorry koko bren and jie jie claryn. Then we went to the cinema to watch Tropic Thunder. It was so boring. I even fell asleep. We left the cinema. Thats how boring it was. Yeah we then went around and saw Sheane. Then Clarissa had to buy contact lens. So she went and bought with brendan and left me in the mall. I had to wait for one hour before my mum could pick me up because we were suppose to leave at 4 but claryn and bren left at 3.
I then rested in my mums shop for awhile. I left at 5:30 to go to my house to change, then went to claryn's house. Me and Clarissa waited for brendan to pick us up about 6:30. He then came and we were off to Empire. The day started off quite nicely but when this girl ... I cant name who got my koko brendan pissed. I was part of it too but me and him are okay now.
Anyways Ill update soon.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Last minute retards

Well today was a friday and yes we had Malay first thing. I had to staybecak because I had detention. Well yeah after Malay, I had DT and it was fun. We were making our shop fronts. We then had English for one period. We then had to go to assembly for MOVEMBER. Its this event where all the teachers grow a moustache and see who has the best haha. I then went home to change for band practice. My mum went shopping while I went to band practice. I saw meliisa in the bus station on the way and yeah. The people who came were me, melissa, christian, nick and brandon haha. Then I recieved a call from claryn and bren saying that they wanna go out to coffee bean so we did. It was fun and we booked a ticket Tropic Thunder. Anyways gtg. Ill update you guys again later. haha

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Mall

Well today yeah was a great day. I woke up and had another maths test. oh well hopefully I pass but yeah. Anyways after maths we had Lunch time haha.I was waiting for Cikgu Ayu because I had detention. I had Business after break time and yes I had fun. I sit next to my koko brendan in business and how I love disturbing him. We had english which was fun haha. All we did was a test while me and my koko brendan sat down listening to music. I love his music. The test was pretty easy. I hantam do one haha. After english we had lunch time. I was again in the maths room just yeah, chiill here and there and played basketball. We had Science then which was the best .. damn, we saw a video of this pregnant women giving birth and it wasnt a nice view haha. Ms Wooley left because she had to go to the doctor. I forgot to tell you, whoever is reading this, pray for my biology teacher. She has cancer. We had free time for 20 minutes because there was no cover teacher. After Science, we had English again. Yeah I did the same thing. Listened to brendans ipod haha.
I went to the mall after school and I saw them playing CS. I went to the mall and saw Miao Hui and Liyana buying a present for our teacher. We went to watch Quarantine. I was sitting with Brandon hahaha. And he said I scream really loud which I think I dont really do. I kept squeezing his hand because I got so scared of the movie but at the same time I had fun haha. The first part was a bit of a bore but then when it got to the ending, not bad really huh hahaha. And then we ate in Jolibee and had to go home. Anyways this is it for now. Ill update you guys later.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Chilling in my house

Well yeah today I woke up at 5 to study for my pre mocks maths exam haha. Then yeah I went to school and I did my test and I think I did okay. I then had english and me and han just fooled around as usual. We then had Science which we learned about egg and sperm cell haha. I then had drama and we were just suppose to hang the clothes but I folded them all, what a waste of time. haha. We were also cutting out flags in drama. Last subject malay, I got detention for saying Damn it? hahaha
Well yeah I went to church after to pick up Joel, Brendan, Melissa and Kathleen. They wanted to chill in my place haha. We could barely fit in the care because we were alot. When they came to my house, we sat down and sang karaoke. hahaha. They went to my room to chill for a while. We went down and JM was there haha lol. We then went to this graveyeard with this amazing view and yeah. Me and Jm and Brandon climbed up this mosque looking thing haha. We then found sticks and threw it like javilin. I got tired so I went back home to sleep while eveyone else was still in the graveyard. Anyways gtg. Sleep now bye bye
Update again next time yeah

Well I dont know, random?

Well today is a tuesday and I was really excited about today because we were learning human reproduction in Biology.. nah joke joke, I was really excited because after school, Me and Brendan were going to Clarissa's house to chill for fun.
Well yeah I woke up and yeah we had PE first thing and I scored 2 goals... YEAH BABY 2 GOALS ! haha. We then had Business class. I sat next to my koko brandan and his hair smells so nice. He let me smell it and it smelled so nice haha. We then had ICDL test for powerpoint and I got 88%, see thats pretty good. I finished fast so that I could go to Biology to see a video about maturity haha. We saw a video of ... nvm don't wanna talk about it. We then had maths and yeah and after maths, english.
After english we went to Clarissas house, me and brendan. We played with her piano. This brendan didnt finish his Take a Bow and I wanted to sing. I really loved when we ate, we just chilled and ate. hahaha. Brendan kept teasing Clarissa that her house was big but if you see Brendans house... Damn anyways gtg
tired of updating haha

Friday, November 21, 2008


Haha !

I torture my fish and I just did that yesterday when mel, kathleen and jm were in my house because we were just bored so decided to pick them up after school and just chill in my place. We went to the graveyard that I wanted to show you but never got the chance too. Mel was emo in the lake as usual haha. She said she never wanted to leave and she wanted to go there evryday if she lived near me. We went to church at about 6 oclock then we went to mass. I was sitting next to jhannah and I told her that I was fat which she thinks is a lie haha. We then had dance practice for pascom. We are dancing to Recieve the Power and Shackles. I also said in dance practice that I suck at dancing tô jackie. Everyone says I put myself down to much. After dance practice, I danced to sexyback. haha while everyone is bored. Im like the entertainment when they are bored haha.
ayts gtg to church now

Late update ! Sorry

Well we just had the last day of sunday school. For once I got the courage to join this singing competition in school to show people I can sing.
My singing contest, I cnt sing in the finals because my confirmatiôn day is the same as my singing fimals day so cannot. I sang last sunday in the mass and I had fans. There was this chinese guy that pulled me after mass to tell me that I had a nice voice. haha im impressed and teacher connie was asking me to sing on my confirmation day too.
Well today Im gonna be in church at 2 because we have band practice and then we have dance practice for pascom after hahaha. Well Im gonna dance later in Pascom the song is Recieve the power. haha hopefully we dont screw up.
Tomoro is my confirmation day where Im gonna be there at 3 to dance Shackles for Pascom then Ill stay there till 5 because Im gonna sing for my confirmation mass. In the responsial psalm. Then we are gonna get confirmed. Im dancing again at night time haha
anyways thats it for now ayts
sorry again for the late update

Thursday, November 13, 2008

SINGING BEES IS FINALLY OVER! And i dnt wanna win actually. I dnt wanna sing in assembly for the year end disco. I really am sad now because I thought I did bad

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Well my day was okay okay lah
Well I woke up, Bianca wanted me to go to church at 10am with her to study but I didnt go
I wanted to go to the mall today with kienthly and brandon to watch Madagascar.
but no I had to go to church to get my braces.
I went to church at about 12 o'clock.
I still saw kienthly and brandon on thier way to the mall.
Well yeah I was in church for band practice at 2 to 3
After 3 mel sent me to get my braces.
It hurts so much whenever I take a bite of something. seriously and they had to pull one of my teeth.
It hurts like hell but after that I was happy because thier was Kids for christ and it was a costume party. I was dressing up as a nerd haha. xD.
It was me, bianca, christian, sarah, kienthly, JM and brandon were the youth there. We had a great time. We helped the kids at the same time had a great time.
After the KFC, Sarah then had to go home with me because she was gonna get picked up at 12 so late so yeah she wanted to chill in my house first. We sang with the karoake, we ate lasagne yummy haha. We talked to Ryan and Brandon on the phone which was really confusing. Because my mum sarah would get angry at my dad but then she didnt wanna hang up.
So I dont know what to do really
Thats it for now, take care yall

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Through out the day~

I woke up early as usual:)went to school..had exams biology and chemistry:)the paper was okay okay la.hehe but find it quite easy:)but before that..i almost cried because I tied mikey near my bag then..when i went out of the car i noticed mikey wasnt tied near my bag anymore..and on my way to school i was kind of sad because later he would get angry or feel bad if i lost mikey so yeahh and also mel and manny.. i know they wud get mad at me coz they were the one who bought mikey..and mel said it was kinda expensive so after having exams ..I was kinda sad again because mikey wasnt there with me because usually i alwsys carry mikey with me n I always put it on my desk and stuffs..and it reminds me of 'someone'xD ...

Then i went up to the library to read stuffs..then i went home at around 11:30 because after exams we were allowed to go home early:)Then after I went home...after I came out of the car i went and look for mikey incase he was on the ground or something so..mel asked me to check at home maybe they found it already..but then when i ask my sis about it ,she said she doesnt know.then i called mel and said..'mel..wala c mikey'then my tears started to fall.:Dthen i asked my sister again whether she saw mikey somewhere ..after that she said it was with my youngest brother..haiyy tapos I was happy kc nahanap na c mikey yeahh..

I went to check out my friendster comments(as usual)I was happy that he sent me a comment almost everyday:)-thank you because you made me smile-(it refers to someone):D..well ..i have to do some stuffs na..

~mel..ikaw naman magupdate dyan noh!xD
-love mikey's owner:)

Singing bees !

well my day today was lemme see okay okay .
Well I woke up went online to see if Jay ar was online.. Then I went to go to school. I thought I would be late cause I left my house at 6:45 haha but good thing I didnt. But bad luck is I left my phone in the car. Then I got to school I passed my lil maths quiz hahaha I got 50% on the spot. We then had Business which we did posters. Next we had English was boreng again so yeah I just listened to music. We then had lunch time where I had to practice my singing bees.
We then had chemistry where my group and I had to talk about acid rain. We then had assembly where singing bees for me was next week.I also got a certificate in assembly for handing in two pendrives. Juniors this week hehe =) Im next week though
If you have any song suggestion please just tell me or chat to me and tell me ayts
Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Monday, November 3, 2008

Jay ar why did you have to go?

Well yeah I woke up as usual without me thinking about that Jay ar is really leaving. Well I woke up and then I saw Bianca was all prepared so I prepared straight away. We then went to pick up Mel and Kathleen from there houses. Mel was quick, not sure about Kathleen, she still took her shower when I got there.

She finally finished and we were off our way to see jay ar. When we arrived at the airport, the first person we saw was Christian. Then we saw Jay ar after. Jay ar helped his parents witht the baggage while we waited for more people to come. The people that came were Kathleen, Melissa, Kim, Nico, Nick, Bianca, Christian, Brandon and some more people.
After waiting for jay ar to finish helping his parents with the luggage and all, we then went to Jolibee to eat. But before we ate, we took pictures in the Waving gallery. That was fun.
We then ate downstairs in Jolibee, haha...

Then the friends of jay ar came to pick him up which was so sad.I hugged him so tight cause I think Im gonna miss him alot alot. We were still eating when he had to leave so we just takeout our food haha. We then took pictures with him before he left. I was still shouting before he went inside but when he went inside, it hit me that he isnt coming back. So I started crying and lost my appetite to eat. Good thing racoon was there to cheer me up !

We all then took a bus to get to church. When we got to church, no one was in the mood to do anything, not even the band. I actually cried while setting up the band equipments. We then had sunday class where Kathleen had to go home or else her mum would get angry at her so it was only me and Melissa left in class. She cried in the middle of class. Thats how depress we are.
I then sang in the band by myself, and my voice sounded so crap because I just finished crying.
I kept crying and crying when I got back too at home. Whenever I see the mountains outside, I remember Jay ar is somewhere out there !
But oh well Jay ar have fun in Canada !
Ill dedicate the song in singing bees to you !

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Life Teen!

Well yeah here is Manuel updating the blog about life teen day one , friday is it? and thought about bradon if his arm was okay because the day before that, he had a cramp, kasian raccoon.
Yeah I came from school and when I got there, the first thing I ran too is the microphone.
They wated me to sing. Then my bestfrends ran up to me and asked me which workshop am I joining?
I joined the praise and workship workshop instead of the dance workshop
The praise and worship workshop was alot of fun and I learned alot from it
like everything I sing, is like a prayer to God.
Then I had to stayback because Bianca was staying back for this life teen meeting.
Before the meeting we went to Pasar as usual and it rained
I am so tired now, ill update it tomoro sorry

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

well here i am..hahaha!nagpromise ako na magsusulat ako dito.well anyways..wait..i thought i was suppose to write xtian's suprise birthda party..well nevermind..i'll write nalang what i did in school to day or what did i do through out the day.

woke up early bout 5am?i forgot:)went to a little tired going up the stairs to class..talked with mel about'something'^^ hahahah!then went in to class..when i came in the class my classmate were like 'kathleen long time no see!'(i was absent for 2 days btw)then i said'yeah...'then they said'why you didnt come to school...i said..because i got sick and they see the class was dirty without you..i was like..okay..!that's weird..i know i clean the class everyday but that doest make me their 'katulong' noh!hahahathen had classes..after school ended..i was reading at the parking lot waiting for transport..then while i was reading..someone said'reading the same book again' was alwin.hahah i said was a different book:)..then went home and ate maggi..went jamming session with mel and bro.then i was happy because when i opened ny fs comments there he was..:)hahaha well anyways...

i'll write some other things next time coz i had to go now and watch 'smallville'!yeah!wahahah

-17-:)miss mickey na and the owner rin=(

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rant and rant and rant.. :S

Haihz.. I dunno what to update here since Manny already updated about the Mall thingy. Today was a horrible day. :S I woke up late and Kat and Chrysh didn't go to school. Kats was sick. :S and Chrysh has her PMB. So yeah.. to accompany me in the car were my neighbours : boys as noisy as can be.. Sigh..Who needs such a racket in the morning? Then I walked about my lonesome self to my class, sat down and napped for 5 mins, decided I was too lazy and did physics homework. then we had class. the first four periods i was drooping to sleep. seriously. every period i would go out to the toilet to wash my face. haihz. that's what you get if you sleep late at night. oh and we had free period. thats the only good thing. yay! XP

then it was break. WOOHOO!!! Got a chance to eat my banana and cheese bread. I was hyped up after that. XP then we had chinese. the rest of the class went to the activity room. only me, liyana and arsia chilled back in class cuz we finished our chinese finals sudah. we just chatted and chilled and i did my homework lahh cuz i dunno what else to do. Hehehe.. after that my most dreaded class. THE FOO!!!! That's Lieya's nickname for our Ad-Maths teacher. And I nearly fell asleep in Ad-Maths class again. Seriously, how can you understand Ad-Maths when your teacher :
1) speaks in chinese
2)talks really fast
3)says most of the maths terms in chinese
4)has a really boring voice

This is only like a few things I don't really like a bout our teacher. I'm sure he tries his hardest. But seriously. I can never understand Maths when its in Chinese. NEVER!!! I liked my old Ad-Maths teacher. The thing is he got a better job in Indonesia and was paid in American dollars lagi. Haihz. At least he speaks in English, speaks loudly and clearly, has that voice that makes you wanna smack him on the head for waking you up early in the morning BUT at least he makes you understand Ad-Maths and is really funny and who looks like Mr. Bean. and I miss his "Class take out your Ad-Maths/Maths D Notes!" everytime he comes into class. XP Haihz. I miss Mr. Lim. Damn! I would even go to Indon to get my interest back in Ad-Maths again. I used to love Maths and now I hate it. :S I failed my Ad-Maths paper when the new teacher gave us the test. Damn! First time I failed a Maths paper. hahahaha. u might think i'm a nerd and all but I know someone who's nerdier than me. You know who you are.wb XD

Anyways enough of my rant about maths. I'll just skip to lunch. That's when we got the notice for our final exams schedules. And guess when is our exams? 6-18 NOVEMBER!!!!!!! I HATE IT !! I HATE IT!! Haihz..oh well gotta accept it.. haihz.. nice! Thank you school! :S

Then I went back home and yeah slept a bit. Then I overslept and I was supposed to jam with kats and jay-ar. Haihs.. oh well and here I am writing this. I miss the holidays. I miss church. I miss the people in church. I miss my puppy and the owner.. =/

Monday, October 20, 2008

What a day !

Well yeah when I woke up last friday morning. It was national day so I woke up extra early so that I could goto school and help out my classmates because we werent quite finish decorating our room into a Scottish theme yet. So yeah when I got to school, I helped put up the title SCOTLAND... and then I helped put up our cute Lochness Monster but in the end the Lochness Monster just got wet in the rain and died.
I then went around to visit other classes. I went to one class where people were getting married and I was suppose to get married to two girls but I'm too hot for them... hehe kiddin xP. and then I wanted to go to the Haunted House to get scared but when I got there... time was up !
Oh well after International Day I went to the mall though haha, to suprise Christian! We suprised him in mister pizza, the people who were there was Jamico, Joven, Jay ar, JM, Kathleen, Melissa, Jay ar, Brandon, Argil, Iggyboy, Kienthly, Bianca, Ryan, Reychelle, Kevin, B2? and of course the birthday celebrant.
uhhmmm we then went to play COD??? after eating 10 pizzas i think. I hate playing COD, I just got revived from the dead and the next thing I know I die...
BTW when we were walking to play COD in the other side of the mall, I did not trip by accident, it was on PURPOSE ! After playing one hour of COD we went to the cinema to watch Max Payne... the movie was okay, it was the people I was with that made the movie bad. They kept throwing popcorn at me when I decided to move away from them and have my own lyf but I found out that the movie was scary so I sat down next to my bestfrends. I didnt really get the movie though and people said I was noisy in the cinema which I dont think I was.
After that we went to the arcade to have some fun. We went to the photo booth and had alot of fun pictures, the only bad thing is we all can't fit in one photo.
Then we kinda split up, the boys went to play COD again while me, christian, joven, mel, kath and reych and kevin and B2 ate in Jolibee. After eating in Jolibeee, we finally decided to go home while the others stayed. When I got back home at about 8 I slept on the sofa and the next thing I know it was already 12pm then next day.... so fast haha... maybe I was just tired.
Thats it for now, if you guys wanna add more detail just tell me !

Friday, October 10, 2008

Magic 8 Ball

I Love This Game Of TicTacToe

If you can win in this game of TicTacToe, I will give you something special!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

When a girl/guy misses you!

Girl Facts--
when a girl is mean to you after a break-up
she wants you back but she is too
scared she'll get hurt and knows
you're gone forever!
when you catch a girl glancing at you,
she wants you to look back
and smile
When a girl bumps into your arm,
while walking with you
she wants
you to hold her hand
When she wants a hug
she will just stand there
When u break a girls heart
she still feels it when
you run into each other 3 years later
When a girl is quiet,
millions of things are running through her
When a girl is not arguing,
she is thinking deeply,,
When a girl looks at you with eyes full of
she is wondering how long you will be
When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a
few seconds,
When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering why you are playing games
When a girl lays her head on your chest,
she is wishing for you to be hers forever
When a girl says she can't live
without you,
she has made up her mind that you are
her future
When a girl says, "I miss you,"
no one in this world can miss you more
than that
Guy Facts---
When a guy calls you,
he wants to be with you
When a guy is quiet,
He's listening to you...
When a guy is not arguing,
He realizes he's wrong
When a guy says, "I'm fine" after a few
he means it
When a guy stares at you,
he wishes you would care about him and
wonders if you do
When your laying your head on a guy's
he has the world
When a guy calls/texts/comments/messages you everyday,
he is in love
When a (good) guy tells you he loves you,
he means it
When a guy says he can't live without you,
he's with you till your done
When a guy says, "I miss you,"
he misses you more than you could have
ever missed him or anything else

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Manuel got tagged !

The rules: State 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.The 10 people I tag are then to follow and write their own 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts.Most importantly, NO TAGBACKS

(1)I am not always happy. When Im alone in my room... i become my emo self. I think only chris knows my emo self because he was my roomate in Miri for two weeks xD.

(2)I have killed more than 10 animals including rabbits, hamsters, chicken and fish... not on purpose though.. it was an accidents.

(3)In my holidays when I know I dont have anything to do the next day... i sleep for 18 hours or more.

(4)I cant sleep without my music....It cant be any music... has to be my music or I wont be able to sleep. But the bad thing is if I listen to my music in my classroom using my MP4, I fall asleep.

(5)In class when I feel sleepy.... I would close one of my eyes first to let it rest then after a while the other eye so its not obvious... i know retarted xD

(6)When I eat I gather all my food in one section to make it look little. Then I think howmany more spoons do I need to take to finish my food and I usually finish my food with howmany spoons I thought I would finish.

(7)I'm scared of any bug or insect, even butterflys, except ants =p

(8)In the holidays I usually wake up at 3pm or more so I basically miss breakfast and lunch...

(9)My confirmation class knows this, i think, I never wake up unless somoene wakes me up by shaking me really hard or by putting on a joker sound... =(

(10)When I was a kid... i really loved power rangers so I decided to join the gymnastics team so I can learn how to flip but in my first lesson for my handstand... i didnt know what to do so I let go and then I hit my head on the floor which was really painfull. (

(11)I have a really bad memory with a turtle because whem I was a kid I thought they dont bite but I didnt know the turtle I was touching was a snapping turtle so it bit me, so now whenever I see my little sisters turtle, i dont touch it.

(12)I really love torturing animals including fishes like i my confirmation retreat, I twist them once they get hooked onto my bait.

(13)I dont eat vegetables or fruits because I dont know, they are crunchy?

(14)I really hate cats because after watching the movie cats and dogs, I never liked cats ever again.

(15)My first crush was in kindergarden too...

And here comes the next part of this tag game.
I tag: JM, Chris, Neil, Sarah, Ryan, Brandon, Christian and Bianca
I know thats alot but yeah have fun doing it you guys....xD

The Tagg Game

The rules:
State 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
The 10 people I tag are then to follow and write their own 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts.
Most importantly, NO TAGBACKS

(1) I'm a really heavy sleeper. Once I alarmed my phone and I didn't wake up until my friends came over and woke me up to play b-ball and my alarm was ringing for 30 mins straight! It was just next to me lagi. Haha.

(2) I study better in the afternoon and at night. X)

(3) I eat at least 1 fruit everyday.

(4) I'm not allergic to anything at all but there's this one time where I'm allergic to something. I don't even know what it is. Never found out. =S

(5) When I was born, I didn't open my eyes for about 4 days. I was that heavy of a sleeper. =D
Source of Fact : Mother.

(6) I'm not deaf as some people claim I am. I just want to finish a certain paragraph or chapter in the book before turning my attention to anything else. Plus, it's funny how people react to me-not-listening-to-them-when-I'm-reading. Hahaha. Their face scrunch up in funny ways and the way they get annoyed is funny. To me it's kinda funny. No offence, friends. xD

(7) When I feel sleepy, but I don't want to close my eyes because I gotta focus on a certain thing like maybe listening to teacher, my eyes will go cross-eyed. Hence my vision will go double which helps me to wake up. Weird huh? xP It's a never ending cycle.. xP

(8) I can't sleep without clutching anything or without a blanket even though it's hot. Hehehe.. I'm very weird.. xP

(9) I LOVE my bed-head. It's always perfect when I wake up but then of course have to wash the hair ma. SO yeah cannot keep the bed-head. =S

(10) I would usually clean my plate of anything edible (in other words eat until there's not one rice left XD) . Except the bones lahh.. xP Habit since small. Cuz my parents say you gotta clean your plate or else your future husband will have that much of pimples as the rice on your plate. XP

(11) After eating, I would always cross my spoon and fork together. Another habit of mine since I was little as my parents told me that if I don't do that, they're gonna give me some more food to eat. Spoon for rice and fork for veggies. I wasn't really much of an eater then unlike now. I don't really like eating then. Plus the food very sayang ba. My mother would always say 'Ay magabaan tayo ni God'? I'm not sure if that's the right phrase but somewhere along those lines. xD It translates to 'Later God won't give us any food anymore as there are a lot of hungry people out there who don't have food and we're just wasting it. ' But now I eat a lot. Don't know why. xD

(12) I have a really bad bad BAD memory. Must be because I slammed my head against the wall that one time when I was little. Ahh~ memories.. XD

(13) I've kept organizers but end up ignoring them. I guess I'm not that organized-to-the-bone person. xD

(14) I don't really like fireworks. I would watch them from afar as they are the reason for my vision which caused me to wear glasses. But I used to love playing with them. I'm okay with playing fireworks. I'll just never stand under fireworks ever again. The ashes ba.. =S

(15) My first crush was when I'm Kindergarten 3. Can you believe that? O.o I can't believe it myself. I had to recheck my memory for that. xP

And here comes the next part of this tag game.
I tag: Joven, Manny, Kats and anybody reading this. xP

I just came upon this in one of my friend's blog. Thought it would be nice to put up. XP Plus it's fun thinking about your weird habits and knowing other people's weird habits too. xP

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bored at home xD

Well today was pretty boreng. I woke up at 2:30pm because I slept at 12am because there is no school so yeah might as well abuse it.. haha.. When I woke up I found out that my laptop is not working... I went down to use my mums laptop instead and found that my big brother Chris was online so happy ! and at the same time sad .... cause I promised him I would go to Miri but plans change because I found out that Bianca isnt coming back to Brunei so how am I suppose to go back . I slept again because my laptop doesnt wanna go on and my laptop is my life. But yeah later goig to choir... that might cheer me up =)

School stinnks! NOT :P

Back here once again to write a little something that might be of even not a single interest to ya'll
but yea here it goes..

sChool just resumed a couple days ago.. and yea fortunate me got used to holiday routine likee (sleep late wake up late) so yea the day before the first day, i couldnt sleep -.- actually had to wait for bout an hour or so before i did ... result: WOKE UP LATE ON THE FIRST DAY
ahahaha.. enough said~ on school, wasnt really in the school mood yet, me brain still roamin around the corner i think.. what made it worse was.. the test paper results were given on the day itself.. what worse can u get right? a dull day with test results? pfttt anyways it made my day coz it added a "frownin smile" in me .. wasnt really happy with some of the subjects test results
lucky it aynt the real thing yet.. Pheww~

enough bout school, not really enthusiastic to talk bout it right now :P
anyways ive heard this song in youtube, the song by the script" the man that cant be moved"
dayymm the song's like stuck in my inner brain.. its such a nice song.. Jayr still cant agree with that fact.. -.- instead votes for this "fireflight band" - a emo punk gothic whatever u call it band but their songs are actually religious? aynt that kinda odd.. but yea at the same time its quite unique in such a way :P ( for Jayr's sake) hahahah

anyways i really have got not much to say here, i was just once again "forced" by somebody here :P
il post something up when ive got something interesting to post up xP
next time~

-me out- :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bored during the holidays

This is my family in the holidays when we are bored. Just making videos for fun.. Its better if you listen with headphones because we are using microphones so it sounds busted when its on speaker ! Thanks and hopefully you will like our video =p

BTW my youtube acount is very complicated .... you have to use the right letters and numbers.... its CoLa9YouTh9ManueL.. very complicated I know


Yeah well it was our confirmation reuniun.
I was suppose to go at 6am with Bishop so that Brandon could go with the confirmation class at 9am because there was not enough transport.
It was all of our confirmaton class in one van. Jay ar was suppose to follow us but then Ate Jen being as she is. She replaced Jay ar in the van.
The journey was so bad. I couldnt sleep because Kevin was there.
When we got there. It was great.... I saw my old friends. I was hoping to see my teamate Angelica but she was in Philippines so I didnt see her.
I saw Ate Thea naman so its okay. And also I was in her team for the activity. We had so much fun talking about the problem gossiping.
We won for the Team most .... i forgot haha. Then it was time to leave... again
The trip this time was more fun because Ate Jen was sleeping. We also kept shouting in the Van haha looking for hot people !
We then got back home. So tired but still went to Pasar.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008


(Mel's point of view =P Written on the day itself in secret journal. XP)

Woke up and took a shower. No surprise there. XP. Oh I killed a cockroach that day. Hahaha. XP Then had morning prayer and breakfast. After that us 3M's fooled around and Ate Jen accidentally told us we were going to play Barter Trade. XP Haha! SECRET! XP So yeah we had the advantage. But we had to pinky promise Ate Jen not to tell. XP Manny crazy man. He brought all his socks. Then he wore 2 layers of shirt. Hahaha.

Oh well, we were different groups the three of us. I was in Group Self-Control with Vanessa(Bandar), Russell and Naz(Seria) and Jeremy & John-Boy(KB) . Kats was in Group Peace and Manny in Group Humility (-_-"). I don't think I'll ever see the day where Manny and humility is put together in one sentence. XP jokes lang bestie.. XP

For the barter trade, our group had to make eyes. We make glasses loh with the eyeballs. XP Naz and Russell had to take of their shirt. O.o Haha. LOLs man. Then we had session then me and Kat left for something.

Oh yeah I ran back to my room to get something for Kats. I was running. The corridor was dark. I saw water on the left side of the corridor so I avoided and just slowed down my speed a little. What I didn't know was that on the right side had more water than the left. I didn't see wa because it was dark. There was light on the left side only coming from the room. XP

So yeah. I tripped and fell on my back. My shirt was wet. Stupid H2O! Haha. Good thing no one saw. Only Jackson. Haha. Good thing he didn't report. That's gonna be sooo embarassing man. XP

Then we had lunch. Sat in my group so yeah got to know everybody better. ^^ Naz belanja drink. XD Then I napped before going to Praise and Worship. After Praise and Worship, we had to think of something to do for Entertainment Night which is after dinner that night. Decided to do Naz's song, Our Love Story. His own composition. So funny. =) Then went to sleep again before fooling around with Angelica, Naz, John, Manny, John-Boy, Jeremy, Narissa and Michael. Haha. We were singing random songs and doing random stuff.

After that we went to the old folk's home which is just behind Pace Bene. After tha we went to Mass and then it was Entertainment Night. =) Was fun. XP So funny man. Especially the skit that John and his group did. All about the Holy Spirit. XP But in a funny way. Bishop laughed like heck man. Hahaha. XP The we had BBQ. YEAH! After that was Karaoke time. =P I got bored in the middle of it so I left to shower and I missed Kat singing. :S Oh well. Shower then waited for hair to dry while writing this thingy. Missed Brunei and the people! XD


We went there to visit the old folks and do a presentation for them. We helped the old folks out of their rooms and wheeled/led them to the function room. =) There we presented Shine Jesus Shine and By Your Side to them. Hehehe. After that we mingled with them. Me and Jem talked to an old lady who was 65/72 years of age. I think it was 72 though. XP It was fun talking to her. =) She got lots of stuff to say. She even said she was sorry if she was very 'madaldal'. XP She said she don't get a chance to talk to others 'cos you know old people lah. They get bored easily and they get tantrums really fast. Haha. She said whenever she wants to talk with the other oldies most of them will be like : 'Stop talking.', 'You talk too much.', 'I'm bored.', 'Don't wanna listen.' and all. Lols man. Even old folks do those stuff still. Haih yo. XP It was fun talking to her neways. The sad thing was she doesn't remember her name. =( We left the old folk's home after saying goodbye to the oldies. =( I wanna go there again man. Imagine. One day I'll be like them too. Hahaha. If I get to live that long. I bet I'll forget my name by the time I reach 60. Hahaha. xD Oh well. We went back and Jem belanja drink. Haha. xD He said lanja cos of our experience with the lady and what we got through. xD Oh well. Basta I got my free drink. XP

Confirmation Retreat Day 3!

Thursday?ohh yeah..uhmm..wake up call 7:30am?then had morning prayers together with the others..had breakfast with groups..not with the cola:Dwell okay na rin yun.xD..then had talk session by bishop and we finished eaarlier to have our emaus's walk while the others they call it..'ikan paus walk'?

well i have no idea..well anyways..we were given a time to remember our sins?our wrong doings and stuffs:)then there was confessions but i didn't went for confession but after that there was healing first when i saw what was happening during that time i was laughing.hahah!funny ba u know..they fall but i know i was rude.hehe!then i felt scared..almost all of them were when it was my turn..i felt nothing kc so fast naman eh.10 seconds lang ako na i went for the second round..still!no effect..haiyy nakoo...

then we had peace here and peace there and had praise n worships.yeah!well till here na..:D

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Well I woke up and as usual... the last one to wake up
It was so embarassing because I was the first to sleep and the last to wake up among my roomates and all my roomates finished taking shower and everything and I just woke up.... typical me... After I took a shower, we had to go upstairs and do the morning prayer. In the morning prayer I was half asleep haha..
Then we had to do an activity outside Pace Bene. We had to make our group cheer and my group was team Humility which is a pretty long name haha. But at the end we pulled it through.. It was really hot outside. After we went indoors we had to go up for one of Bishops session... Although at times I fell asleep, his talks had meanings so its my lost. We then had free time from 2 - 4:30 i think and all I did was take care of my confirmation class ( Bandar Group ) while they were fishing. At first we couldnt get any fishes because we were using fish food but then I caught some shrimps and yeah we used that as bait and I caught 5 FISHES and btw in the end of retreat I was the one who caught the biggest fish ! haha I was so happy. After that though we had to go back for another talk of bishops. While in the talk of bishop, kathleen allowed me to read her note for somoene special back in bandar, so cute haha ! We then had mass and then after dinner.
I dont know what happened after that but yeah asleep again.
This was day 2 of my confirmation retreat.


e you Well here I am gonna upsate about our past confirmation retreat in KK
and damn it was the bomb
I really miss the people and Pace Bene?
I dont know how to pronounce it though
well lets start on my first day uhmmm....
my first day well we were waiting for the bus from KB and they were suppose to be there by 8 but they got there about 9:30 but its okay =). While waiting for the bus, us bestfrends decided to eave notes and letters to our band members cause we are gonna miss them so much eventhough its just one week =)
When I got on the bus, the first person I met was francis... not a good sight... joking joking..
well yeah me and melissa sat together on the bus leaving kathleen by herself haha. In the bus each of us went emo missing each and our own special somoene.... Do I even have a special somoene? haha
anyways most of the time in the bus I slept cause I didnt know anyone at first
anyways yeah we stopped by to eat in a chinese restaurant.
yeah lets skip to the part in Pace Bene !
yeah the bus had to go slowly because there was a hanging wire and if we hit that... we are dead ! hahahaha so the bus took its time and Kevin was also waiting for us outside. I was the first one to go inside out of the KB and Bandar group and when I got in and saw all the Seria people.
I went to look for my room and I found out that I wasnt with anyone I knew except Micheal but then during the retreat I got used to my roomates.
The first day wasnt so bad but we had a night prayer which took so long and I felt so sleepy !
anyways thats it for now for the first day
Ill write about the second day soon okay
see you guys and miss you all confirmandies =p especially you Nerissa and the headbanging !

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dedicated to my bestfrend mel and joven and kath

Kathleens Sweet Sixteen

i had fun during my birthday,,hahaha nakss naman i went to church with my brothers at about 1:30pm?well i forgot na..hehehe then saw jay ar and then joven..afetr that went to teach the kids with mel and manuel while the others are having band practive at room 4!xDafter that we all went to pasar and makan makan mee goreng at maz and they sing happy birthday song which was yeahh..well i dont know very touching?hahah people who were there at the pasar were:mel,manuel,joven,bianca,xtian,jay ar and joven..then went to play basketball.heheh we lost nga ehh but tie kami.hahah tapos went for choir practice and went singing.. singing..tapos we went to pasar again..kainan na naman..kasama cla jackie ,james and tyrone..lahat kami kumain nang nasi katok with soup..yummy..then went home na..the end..kahit hindi masyado handaan ..masaya pa rin ako ..heheh

Grace ??

had fun today at church went there at about 6:40am in the morning..went for mass..then set up the band for the pre-fop?i dont know what u call it ehh.hehe well anyways yeah after setting up the band went singing while waiting for other people to come..then wheni went outside nakita ko c uhuh!wahaha!gwapo nya nga ehh pero syempre masgwapo pa rin c kk!kiddingxDtapos having talk sessions..water balloon fights..zombies..praise and worship..went emotting..hahahahnot all the time went emoting until uhuh called!HEHE!then the taize night .that night was really touching where u pray all to your friends ,concerns.problems and stuffs like that then there was this peace offering where u say peace to each other there..hehe ako nga i was demanding ehh..kc i said ayaw ko magshake hands gusto ko hugs..tapos sbi nila ohh cge hug na kumain nang nasok katok nanamn!FAVOURITE!hahahaxDtapos went home na..thats all very fun talaga the day!

Band Practice (Bestfrends)

Today we had band practice ( Manuel, Joven, Kathleen, Melissa )
I was playing the drums while Kathleen and Melissa guitar and Joven vocalist....
hahahaha exchange all.... Joven was so EMO as usual and not talking.
Mel was the same, emo like joven.
We were only few but I still had fun because Im close to all of them.
We then went to Pasar after band practice just to find out that we didnt have alot of money, so no point of going to Pasar. Then me, mel and joven started teasing kathleen because she didnt have money and we were teasing her to walk back home..... ahahahaha joke lang besfrend.
And then me and Joven took the bus while mel and kathleen walked home... mwahahahaha
anyways thats it for now x)

Friday, September 19, 2008

13th September 2008

What can I say?
Why do I say so?
It all started when Manny told us that he would come and pick me and Kat up at our house and that we don't need to go to church. He said 3.30pm. AND YOU KNOW WHAT?! HE CAME AT 4.30PM!!! How dare he make two ladies wait for AN HOUR????!!! -_-" Neways when he came, I thought it was gonna be only us and Bianca.. turns out Joven and Jm followed as well.. in their school uniform. xD

Well we were all cramped at the back of the car.. ALL SIX OF US BIG-SIZED ADULTS. HAHAHA. So yeah. Try to imagine us. It's like we're aiming for the world record of 'The most crampers at the back of the car.' XP And the car was just standard sized lagi. Not like those big Pajero or anything.

Anyways, after that we arrived at Manny's house. A certain someone asked us to help clean his room. xP We help him clean loh.. Friends help each other right? Especially best friends. :P Neways after that we helped Manny pick his clothes for Ate Leah's debut party later. He soo choosy wa.. :P Then we sang for a while. Hahaha. I didn't sing though.. xD I know my voice sucks. :P Hahaha. Then JM left cuz he gotta go get ready for the party. He lives just near Manny. Then Joven left to get ready for the party too. xD

So yeah it's just Me, Manny, Kat and Bianca on the way to Holiday Lodge. There was quite a lot of people in Ate Leah's party, most of them I don't even know who they are, except a few. That was at the pool while upstairs it was the CFC Anniversary Retro Night Party. So yeah. We kept on going up and down and we got twice the food. WAHAHAHA!!!XP

Then Joven and JM came. Kat said something by the way but it's only for me, her and Manny to know and for whoever you are to find out. XP Kinikilig ako!!! Hahahaha. Sorry po bestie pero I don't have anything else to post wa. XD

To cut a very long story short, we danced the night away. Hahaha. Manuel forced me to 'dance' with Benji. Haih yo. So pai se. :P And not only that. He kept bumping both of our heads together whenever we talked. -_-" That's typical Manny. XP There were some other random stuff that we did. Actually lots. XD

The bad thing about this is that we didn't get pictures(just a few saja). Haihz.. very sien wan if no pictures. Oh well at least there are memories. XP

Practically that's it. But it was really fun! And I mean it. XD Still waiting for 'someone' to post something up. Haih yo. Lambat jua. XP

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


this afternoon me n reych went for band practice..and when we went there we saw mel and manuel sleeping and kim was playing his e.guitar!he rocks man..and while they were sleeping i mean mel and manuel..i said to reych that their turning into a butterfly evolving from pupa..and we were all laughing..then when they woke up already we said they turned into a butterfly na:D

well anyways..we had band prax started already..and the people who went there was me of course,mel,reych,manuel,kim,jm,brandon and james..and ate jen of course was there too.hahaha
after we went for band prax we went to bandar to look for clothes for the cfc retro night..because me and mel had this dance with the singles for christ for the cfs retro night and then the yfcs had to wear the eighties!? i dunno wat u call it ehh
hehe..but yeah we werent able to find any clothes..but then after that we went to yayasan and bought some waffles and drinks..then webt to kampung ayer i mean nagboat kami papuntang was so fun men..abd then the hair flying and my eye itches coz my eyelashes was like been blowing.wahahahah!

then at first me ,mel,reych and manny went for boat coz the others said that they dont want to follow..but then after we came off the boat..we saw that they were also behind us.hahahahxD

and we had to go through someone's house so that we could go and reach the church..hehe..then after that we waited until reychelle went home and after she went home all of us played basketball opposite the church.hehe it was kinda tiring but fun also.hahah the bestfriends Vs the wannabees?hahaha and we won 10-9xD then went for ,mass..and went home na..the end!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


DaDDy rYaN
KuYa cHriS
KuYa NeiL
LiL bRo BraNDoN
cHurcH !
Thats it for now.... Im sorry Im bored but all I wrote here are true. Im gonna miss all my lovely friends when I die because they have touched and changed my lives in so many different ways ... naks EMO !!!!

Looking for a friend to talk too ?

Im looking for a friend to talk too:
* A friend who I can depend on
* A friend I can cry on
* A trusworthy friend that cares
* A friend that will always be there for you
* I can share anything with
* A friend I can never forget
* A friend who loves me for me
* Not afraid of being themselves
* I can talk to about anything
* Will never leave me
but if you know anyone like that... Tell me !

Ayamku incident

Well I woke up at 11am because of leahs party last night
so I just woke up at 11am
I went downstairs to watch SPONGBOB !!!
Then went to church at 1 to prepare the band for bishops birthday later
Then I went to the CFC mass with JM, Bianca, Melissa, Jay ar, Christian
and loads of YFC.
The mass finished at 3am and I went back to class
The CFC gave us ayamku
and the ayamku was the issue why Aubrey wanted us to fight with each other which ended up pretty fun and a nice actvity, pushing everyone ! haha
but then Aubrey got pissed at me because I was never serious
not my fault.... and then we had to stay for Bishops birthday
The mixer went off and everything went troublesome so it was sooo bad and embarassing
but anyways we are all doing it for GOD
anyways thats it for now
malas to write more =)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Today was a really fun day. Haha. xD
First of all, I went to school for physics practicals..
So easy man..HAHAHA.
Over-confident is never good.
Later get failed mark.
Pray that would never happen.

Neways, after that
went to the computer lab to teach Lao Po flash
Ended up chatting on the computer with Joven, Kats and Sean
So funny man. xD
All about eating dinosaur eggs and komodo dragon eggs.
And other random stuff.
So funneee~ xD

Anyways, after that
I walked all the way to school..
Hahaha, no lar..
Juz thinking about random stuff.
Band practice was ok..
Jamming all the way..
That rhymed..
Random! xD

Then after that,
we walked all the way to Bandar.
Me, Manuel, Kats, Reych, Brandon, James, JM and Kim.
So fun man.
Went yayasan and shopping!!!
Haha...only food shopping.
One of my favourite kind of shopping.
Then we went back to church via boat.
In Kampong Ayer.

And then we went and played b-ball for a while before going to mass.
Me, Manny and Kats vs. JM, Kim and James.
Brandon went to sum1's house so yeah..
We beat you wannabes(according to Manny)
Haha. You guys owe us
Jks. xD

Then we went to Mass.
Then we (Me, Manny and Kats) gotta stay back cuzour parents have that confirmation parents meeting thingy.
So yeah, we ate.
And called Brandon on the phone.
That HSM freak..

Then we went to First Emporium to get our clothes for tomorrow's retro night.
Went grocery-ing.
And went back home.
End of story~

Thursday, September 11, 2008

annonymous? xD

daaayuum, it's been a while since i've updated here. haha. cause you know, i figured since alot of people have access to this blog, it wouldn't really matter. turns out, it does. to Manny that is. teeeheee.

anyhooot, my mocks are over! YAY. and holidays are coming soon! YAY-ER! what sucks though, is that we have extra classes from the 18th and 24th, thus not allowing me to go for FOP! BOOOOO. :( THIS SUCKS. i was sooo looking forward to it after the BOTBs cause the people from SKB were like "see you all in FOP!" and "till September!" and stuff leddet, but i guess that was anticipation and excited(ation? hahaha) wasted. :/ but i think, I THINK i'm gonna be able to make it for GrACE. it'll only be from the afternoon though, but atleast i'll be able to make it. :D

this is craaazy. PMBS are a little over a month away, and i am far from ready. i got some of my mock results back and i'm pretty disappointed with what i got. (i'm a study freak, sue me.) i hate Geography! amean, who gives a damn about ports, Australia, coastal features or freaking rocks?! i hardly think we're ever gonna use these information when we start working. unless we take up geology or something. x)

i like History tho. :o) i just find the past soo.. interesting. HAHAHA. seriously! its fun to learn about the Wars and .. yea the wars. hahaha. and Math! i have to admit, Math is actually fun. but when you DONT GET IT and are prone to "careless mistakes" that's when it starts getting sucky. maaaan i am sooo dreading AMaths next year. :S

okay, i have no idea how this post turned into a "My Favourite Subjects" post all of a sudden. hahaha. so i think i should end this here before i start talking more crap. :)


Monday, September 8, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

12 HouRs iN cHurcH

I woke up and found out that JM was waiting outside our house already
He came at 5:10 because we were going to church at 6 and yeah and then after we picked up bestfrend joven....
We got there and we thought we were late but then not everyone was there so yeah
It was only us ( Joven, Manuel, Bianca n JM )
then after we had to sing for International Food Fair !!!!
We were singing till the next mass and then Neil came and just annoyed me =p
joke joke joke... and then after we had Sunday Class and I was so tired...
but we had this activity where we had to push our partner haha....
and my partner was bestfren kathleen so yeah but nvm dont wanna talk about it
but yeah i went home at 5pm so yeah not exactly 12 hours but close to that.
xD Manny here !

Monday, September 1, 2008

Bad luck or What?

Yeah today I came from Miri. We keft at 5:30am from Imperial Hotel. Then we went back to Brunei about 8am... I was in a rush to go to school so I left my wallet in the back of Ate Lisa's car.
Then I went to school and went to the wrong class. I thought I had business class but I had drama classs instead. I also saw my Biology teacher on the way. Then I recieved my holiday homework and its due next Monday.
I then went home to find out my Laptop isnt working and something more bad...
so yeah no one knows except my Kuya Neil... =)
anyways thats all for now
I wish my luck will come back !!!!

ManueL was here !

emuuu 3!xD

heyy you!

yeah i mean you!wahahaha ..

sorryy if i updated kinda late.hehe

well what i did today or what happened today?uhmm...something nice happened usual..xD..(in skool) ''guy friend'' kind of dont know how to explain..hehe..

but yeah he was kinda funny and all.wahahah(nababaliw na)!:P

well anyways after school went home and then..
played guitar the whole afternoon..and went cooking spaghetti.. was so nice..yummy:D


thats all i can say for now~:D


Saturday, August 23, 2008

uuuh woke up late?

I just woke up at 3pm so I never had the time to do anything but started cleaning up my room
I just clean up my room like what? once a month
hahahaha so luckily I had he urge to clean up today
And then I started dancing an started making up
steps for Grace 6.... You know I want to win in dancing for Grace.
And then I went online at 8 am we made food .
Anyways thats it for now =/ aka Manny here xD

Emuu's back!!!


I don't know what's with this emuu...

I write liaw he ask me to write agen...



Wat happened to me today?


Oh yeah...

There's this prom coming in school...

The funny thing was :



I never got asked out before...

Except that one time...



I got a 100 for my chinese...


Ruti paun lagi tuu....

Padahal lower chinese...



Wat else?..

It's just the normal stuff lar...

Exams next week...

Gotta study but feel lazy...


But still wanna study...

Oh yea...

Me and Kat made a video just now...

But it's too big too fit in youtube...

Wat the heck?!



I left my smelly footprint here...

Emuuu (Mel) was here...

PEACE!!!! ^^


EMUUUUU WAS HERE!!!!!!!! aka Melissa

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Butter prawn !

Well today me and kuya chris were awake till 4am x)
Singing because we had a guitar. He would play and I would sing
I also showed him what we do in school and church using my laptop
Then I was still awake till 6am to watch the sunrise and all then I fell asleep and woke up at 12am to take a shower and to eat in the cafeteria.
We went back to Kuya Chris dorm and we just chilled till it was time for Kuya Chris to go to class.
We then went to DPS to eat for dinner at 6pm.
Kuya Chris and his friend went to DPS while I went to my sisters dorm just to find out there was no food so I went back to DPS just to find out that good thing Kuya Chris ordered for me Butter prawn but he didnt know I also ordered butter prawn
Oh well 2 butter prawns in on day not bad x)
And then we went back to his dorm and now he is watching football while Im online in his room hehe x)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

i loikkeee x]

woke up so daymm early and played basketball with those people from church..
ohh crapp its so obvious who did this -.-
anyways xD
yea played till it was hot..
luckily me n my bro not that "negga" yet xD
p.s not being racist here 0:)
after that.. i think i forgot..
well i know i had such a great nap xD
felt like i didnt wanna get off bed.. but yea i was forced to by mummy =/
thanks mum!xD
and yeaa i didnt get to go church again..
errr.. not much to say i think..
just that :)
i think il go eaat now x]

guess whooo~ x)

so since Manny has been majaling me to update MORE.. here it is. :D

i just spent a reaaaallly tiring day at Balapan Stadium cause our school had its annual Novelty Games. honestly, if it werent for the whole secondary prefect/monitors-all-have-duties thing, i seriouusssly wouldnt have gonee. all i did was stay at the grandstand and wait for the kids to line up to receive their prizes, then get the prizes to give them to Shanti, to give to the kids. it may sound confusing, but it wasn't really. it was just veryveryVERY tiring. my friend and i just kept going back and forth, back and forth with the prizes. and some of them were REALLY HEAVY! my arms feel as though they're about to fall off any minute now. and since all my friends were waaaay up at the top of the stands, i kept going up and down cause i was seriously bored at the bottom, and now my legs are hurting too. :( but its okay, cause they gave us a day off tomorrow for all our hard work! so yea, SGS has nooo school tomorrow! YAY! :D boo you people who DO have school! MUAHAHA. i'm kidding. :)

and ohh, i was supposed to dance too! but because of some douche, we dint. and pissed, I WAS! we wasted a whole day wracking our brains out, coming up with steps and actually finished it, only to find out that we WERENT going to dance. we told him from the very start that we dint like the song, but he just dint listen. in the end, Mr Jojo dint like the song, soTHEY danced to Highschoolmusical and messedup big time. hah, serves him right. fag. -.-

once i got home, i felt like collapsing on the couch, but saw food so instead.. i ate. :) but i DID collapse after that, only to be woken up again to eat somemore. hahaha! i eat alot okay, that's why im so FAT. :D so yea, here i am now, online while watching the Olympics.

i was watching the 40km women's marathon and like. whoa. a whole 40km! thats like.. REALLY FAR! they all looked as though they were gonna passout, but they all just kept pushing and pushing until every single one of them made it. and that Constantina chick from Romania who got gold.. fuyoo maan. props to her! if it were me, i'd probably die like.. 1km only! yes, DIEE. i suck THAT bad at running. so yea, now i'm watching the (im not sure how many km) women's hurdles and it looks pretty cool. i cant help but imagine what would happen if one of them tripped over the hurdle thingy. HAHAHA. that would hurt like a beeech. :p

so yeaa, aguess thats it for me now. im discussing a bank robbery with a friend online and i dont wanna keep him waiting. hahaha. KBYE!
